How To Write Engaging Blog Content

Nowadays, people are talking more and more about the importance of SEO, or ‘search engine optimisation’ when creating content. From keywords and Hx tags to URLs and meta descriptions, it would seem that the algorithm is king.

But forget pleasing the robots for just a second! What’s the point of writing something if your readership, made up of actual people, don’t want to read it? As much as we want to create content that ticks all the technical boxes, ultimately, its the well-written, engaging content that captivates your readers.

But how do you create an entertaining and informative blog post that draws people in and keeps them reading until the very end? Let’s take a look…

How to write engaging blog content

Keep a structure

Not just an important point for SEO purposes, creating some kind of structure to your blog makes it easier for the reader to digest. Break up your blog into simple, short sections, with an enticing introduction followed by a series of subtitled sections, creating a narrative flow and keeping the attention of your audience.

Get creative

Create something original and interesting. Ok, so it might be hard to make your writing sparkle if you’re whipping up a ten point listicle on e-mobility startups. But the readability of your blog is not restricted to its subject. Cast off convention and break away from tradition if need be – an original voice stands out like a bright light in an ocean of online content. And remember – write something that captivates you. If you’re not going to want to read it, no one else will!

Do your research

With a global library at your fingertips, there’s just no excuse for not doing your research. Immerse yourself in your subject, using a variety of sources to get an extensive understanding of what it is your writing about. Then get some coffee, relax and let your new-found knowledge flow. But what if you think you know the subject like the back of your hand? Well, there’s always more detail to discover for a more informed, nuanced piece of writing.

Keep it short and sharp

Blog writing needs to be short, sharp and to the point. Your readers don’t have time to read a rambling piece that plods on at the pace of a geriatric snail. Make your point. Make it well. And move on. 

Use emotion and humour (but don’t force it)

How do you put a numerical value on pathos? One day, algorithms might be able to sort the hilarious from the humourless, the poignant from the prosaic. But for now, SEO can’t account for that feeling people get when they read something that moves them or makes them laugh. Know your audience – you’ll understand what stirs their senses – and try to find that magic line of just enough, but not too much.

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