Basic Blog Post Introduction Tips

The dreaded writers block can strike at any time. What’s even worst is when it strikes as you’re just getting started! Just encase that happens to you, here are a few tips to getting your blog post on the road,

Basic Blog Post Introduction Tips

The Opening Line

This is often the most daunting part but it doesn’t have to be. Rather than aiming for perfection just keep it simple. There is nothing wrong with starting a blog post with “today we’re going to take a look at XXX”.

Alternatively, if you want to get a bit fancy try one of the following:

  • Start with a personal story
  • Start with a fictional story
  • Start with a quote
  • Start by asking your audience a question
  • Start by explaining why

Keeping It Simple

If you really can’t think of a clever way to start the blog post keep it simple. Start by asking yourself the following questions, “Why am I writing this blog post? What do I want to give to my audience? What message am I trying to communicate?“.

The second you answer those questions you immediately have a ready-made introduction waiting for you. Just tell your audience what you’re going to give them in this blog post and move onto delivering it.

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